The Big Idea

Build out the security organization so that the company is protected from threats against its applications and internal processes.

As CTOs we are experts at risk management. We are constantly weighing up the demands of our organization with those threats that stand in the way of delivery. Being security conscious can be an asset to the organization especially if we are forward thinking and delicate in how we guide the organization through the thick fog of the unknown.

It’s important to remember that almost all of the security precautions you take will cost the organization more than they want to spend. But we both know that the impending catastrophe of fines or data breaches can sink the organization.

It is our role as CTO to work with security professionals to ease the organization into this spend.

I personally feel like the younger the org, the more fun it is to do security. It is more technical and interesting. The larger the organization gets the more it feels like redundant paperwork and processes that sucks the life out of our work.

At this stage of CTO Levels you want to make sure that you have the staff in place to take care of all things security.

Components of Security

There are various aspects of security that you want address.

Risk Assessment

Conducting risk assessments of the company's information and application systems is a crucial step to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities. You should be aware of the risks that the company faces, and develop strategies to mitigate them.

Security Policies

Ensure that the company has a comprehensive set of security policies in place, such as password policies, access control policies, and incident response policies. These policies should be communicated effectively to all employees and enforced rigorously.

Network Security

Ensure that the company's network is secure by implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and other security measures. Also, ensure that the network is regularly monitored and updated to detect and prevent any potential security breaches.

Application Security

Ensure that all applications used by the company are secure, and that they have been tested for vulnerabilities. This includes web applications, mobile applications, and any other software used by the company.

Employee Training

Train employees on best practices for information and application security. This includes awareness of phishing scams, password hygiene, and the importance of keeping software up to date.

Incident Response