The Big Idea

Maintaining a well-managed code base is crucial for a company's success as it leads to improved productivity, higher code quality, reduced technical debt, enhanced collaboration, and increased agility in responding to business needs. Adopting a code organization and update policy allows all development teams, large or small, to confidently do their work. When the team is small, we have the luxury of experimenting with different flows. As the team grows however, it becomes increasingly more expensive.

All developers read code. If the code is disorganized it becomes harder to learn the overall system. If the code is old or in a stale repository it wastes essential time and is the enemy of the time it takes to gain an understanding. We want code to be a joy to read. Well written and well organized. This helps those that are new to get up to speed and it helps those that are up to speed not lose their momentum.

The way we organize our code is the way we manage our teams. If the code is neglected and disorganized it takes a certain type of disorganization from the developer to update that code. It’s like a refueling plane that needs to fuel a jet mid-air. The jet needs to be flying straight and predictable so that the refueling plane can catch up, latch on, refuel successfully, detach and fly away.

The codebase is the investment the company is making towards sustained growth and profits and the CTO is directly accountable for ensuring it’s well managed. How the CTO organizes and maintains code will impact the company’s ability to:

  1. Deploy new features quickly
  2. Respond to customer needs effectively
  3. Ensure stability, reliability, and quality which builds trust Squash bugs
  4. Attract and retain high quality developer talent so that the company can grow quickly when needed

Key Aspects of a Well-Managed Code Base

First and foremost, managing your codebase well means using a version control system (VCS) like Git. A VCS allows you to track changes to your code, see who made those changes, and even revert to an earlier version of the code if something goes wrong. This is essential in a team setting where multiple developers might be working on the same codebase at the same time. It provides a framework for managing code changes, preventing conflicts, and maintaining a history of code evolution.

Trunk-based development aids in managing your codebase effectively by promoting frequent integration, simple code changes, and fast feedback. By having all developers commit to a single branch, it minimizes integration issues and discourages long-lived branches that can accrue technical debt. Its emphasis on small, regular updates supports maintainable code and quick detection of bugs, ensuring a stable, high-quality codebase.

Feature flags, also known as feature toggles, contribute significantly to maintaining a healthy codebase by providing a mechanism to toggle the visibility and usage of certain features in a codebase. This promotes safe deployment and testing of new features in a live environment without disrupting existing functionalities. By decoupling code deployment from feature release, they allow for gradual rollouts, easy rollbacks, and effective risk management. This results in enhanced stability and flexibility of the codebase, rapid feedback on feature performance, and a smoother, less risky development process.

Another crucial aspect of managing your codebase is coding standards and conventions. A consistent codebase where everyone follows the same coding style makes it much easier to read and understand the code, no matter who wrote it. This includes consistent naming conventions, comment styles, and formatting rules. Code should be self-documenting where possible, with comments used to explain why certain decisions were made, rather than what the code is doing.

In addition, code reviews should be an integral part of the process. Code reviews allow for better collaboration and learning among team members and help maintain the quality of the code. They provide a platform to catch and correct issues early before they become integrated into the main codebase.

Effective codebase management also involves continuous refactoring. As requirements change and the codebase grows, it's important to continually revise and clean up the code to keep it as simple and efficient as possible. This can prevent technical debt from accumulating and can make future changes easier. The better codebase hygiene you have early in the development of your product, the more effectively you’ll be able to manage it as the product grows.

Finally, comprehensive testing and automation play a key role. Unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests ensure your code does what it's supposed to do, even as changes are made. Automated testing as part of your build and deploy processes can catch issues quickly, before they reach production.

In essence, managing your codebase well is a combination of using the right tools and following best practices that promote clean, high-quality, and maintainable code. It's a task that requires constant vigilance and ongoing effort, but the payoff is well worth it: a codebase that is easier to work with and a product that is more reliable and robust.

Why Trunk Based Development?

Branching is the ability to collect code changes into a grouping that can be worked on without affecting the existing part of the system. While one team creates a branch to work on a feature, other teams can merge their code back into the main branch, often referred to as the ‘trunk’, without affecting the branched code. In the same way, if trunk needs to be merged into the production system, it doesn’t pick up your unfinished, or broken code.