The Big Idea

Have a brand that is attractive to companies so that they want to consult with you.

Solving problems for other companies made me a better problem solver for mine. It’s like fresh water coming through a puddle of mud. All the stale thinking and boring days get swept away by novel thinking.

We are creatures of habit and our reptile brains default to the paths of least resistance. It requires effort to be a lifelong learner. I find that consulting gigs fuels the desire to make that effort.

While we’re discussing this as a level 10 activity, I think you should have been at this for a while by now.

Ways to Achieve this

Finding consulting gigs as a fractional CTO while maintaining a day job is possible with the right approach. Here are some steps an established CTO can take to achieve this:

Establish boundaries: Before starting, ensure that your current employer is comfortable with you taking on additional work and that there are no conflicts of interest or non-compete agreements in place. Set clear boundaries between your day job and consulting work to avoid conflicts and ensure you can manage both effectively.

Leverage your network: Reach out to former colleagues, friends, and other contacts in the industry to let them know you're available for consulting. Attend industry events, meetups, and conferences to expand your network and find potential opportunities.

Develop your personal brand: Create a strong online presence to showcase your expertise and accomplishments. Write articles or blog posts, engage in social media, and participate in online forums related to your industry. This will help you attract potential clients.

Create a website or portfolio: Develop a professional website or online portfolio to showcase your skills, experience, and past projects. Include case studies and testimonials from previous clients to build credibility.

Offer free advice or consultations: Offer initial consultations or free advice to demonstrate your value and build trust with potential clients. This can help you establish relationships and potentially lead to paid opportunities.

Join consulting platforms: There are various platforms that connect professionals with consulting opportunities, such as, Catalant, and Toptal. Joining these platforms can help you find and secure gigs.

Identify your niche: Determine the specific areas where you can add the most value and focus on those. This could be related to technology strategy, innovation, software development, or digital transformation, among others.

Set clear expectations: Before taking on any projects, ensure you and your clients have a clear understanding of the scope of work, timelines, and fees. This will help avoid misunderstandings and manage workload effectively.

Manage your time: Balancing a full-time job and consulting work can be challenging. Prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and create a schedule to ensure you can manage both commitments effectively.

Consider partnering with other professionals: Collaborate with other consultants or service providers to form a team. This can help you take on larger projects and share the workload while maintaining your day job.

Remember to always maintain a high level of professionalism and deliver quality work to build your reputation and secure more consulting opportunities in the future.

You know you’re struggling when